Abraham was very old and the Lord blessed him in all things. He made his oldest servant, who ruled over all that Abraham had, swear that he would not take a wife for Isaac from the Canaanite women. As I googled (again), I found that this servant was Eliezer. If you remember, back in Genesis 15, this is the same Eliezer that Abraham (Abram) thought would have to be his heir when God told him that he will have many descendants. In making this oath, Abraham had the servant put his hand under his thigh and had him swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth. I guess this is similar to us “crossing our hearts” when we make a promise. I also remember making a pinky promise as a child, where my friends and I would hook our pinkies together and swear about something. Of course, formally in today’s world, we raise our right hand and often have the left hand on a Bible to take an oath. Abraham told the servant to go to his country and to his family and get a wife for Isaac. The servant had reservations because of the possibility that the woman may not want to come back with him. He asked if he should take Isaac back to the land from whence they came. Abraham instructed him not to take Isaac back to that land because the Lord had promised to give him and his descendants the land in which he currently lived. Abraham truly took God at His word. Do you do the same regarding the situations in your life? Abraham also told the servant that God would send an Angel before him. However, if the woman was not willing to come back with the servant, then Abraham would release him from the oath. Abraham was adamant that Isaac should not go back to the land where he left his family. So the servant put his hand under Abraham’s thigh and swore concerning the matter.
Since the servant was in charge of all that Abraham had, he took ten of Abraham’s camels and started on his way to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor. He made the ten camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water. The women would come to this well in the evenings to draw water.
(Prayer Prayed) – The servant asked God to give him success on that day and to show kindness to his master, Abraham. He said that he was standing by the well of water and the daughters of the men of the city were coming to draw water. He asked God to let the young woman to whom he says, “Please let down your pitcher that I may drink” and she responds “Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink” be the one that He appointed to be Isaac’s wife. By this, he will know that God has shown kindness to his master. Before he finished speaking, here comes Rebekah carrying her pitcher on her shoulder. Rebekah’s father is Bethuel, the son of Milcah and Nahor (Abraham’s brother) – found in Genesis 22:22-23. Rebekah was a beautiful young virgin. She went down to the well, filled her pitcher and came up. The servant ran to meet her and asked her for a drink from her pitcher. She said, “Drink, my lord” and gave him a drink. When he had finished drinking, Rebekah offered to draw water for his camels until they had finished drinking. She quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough, ran back to the well to draw water for all his camels. (This sounds like a lot of hard work. Remember, this is ten thirsty camels.) He watched her silently, wondering at her. He wondered if God made his journey prosperous or not. When the camels finished drinking, he took a golden nose ring weighing half a shekel and two wrist bracelets weighing ten shekels of gold and gave them to her. He asked her whose daughter she was and if there was room for them at her father’s house. Rebekah told him that she’s the daughter of Bethuel, Milcah and Nahor’s son. She said that they had enough straw and feed as well as enough room to lodge. Then the servant bowed down his head and worshiped the Lord – (Prayer Answered). He blessed the Lord God of his master Abraham. He stated that God did not forsake His mercy for him and led him to the house of his master’s brethren. Has God ever suddenly answered a prayer for you precisely in the manner you prayed? Did you have doubts that it was actually God? Once you realized that it could only have been God, did you take the time to worship Him?
Rebekah ran and told her mother’s household these things. Why did she tell her mother’s household and not her father’s household? Is it possible that Bethuel had more than one wife and/or concubine and Rebekah’s mother was not number one? Anyway, Rebekah’s brother, Laban ran out to meet the man by the well when he saw the nose ring and bracelets (blinded by the bling) and heard Rebekah’s story. Laban told the man to come in and called him “O blessed of the Lord!” He asked him why was he standing outside because he had prepared the house and a place for the camels. The servant went to the house. Laban provided straw and feed for the camels and water to wash the servant’s feet as well as the feet of those who traveled with him. Food was placed before the servant to eat, but he refused to eat until he told them about his errand. Laban said, “Speak on.”
To be continued in Genesis 24:34-67 (Part 2).
To God Be The Glory!
Hello Bible Bloggers,
Here we see another example of God answering prayer just as it was asked. Not only did God answer the prayers but He also provided extra to accommodate the answer. (i.e. a place to stay, food, as well as kind and welcoming people). Things brings me to another one of my favorite songs, called “Won’t He Do It” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwrE0YjfNGg AMEN!
Amen! Yes, He will!