Leviticus 18 – Rules About Sex


Leviticus 18 – Rules About Sex

Leviticus 18 – Rules About Sex
The Lord told Moses to tell the children of Israel, “I am the Lord your God.” Moses was also to tell them that they were not to do the things that they saw the Egyptians do when they dwelt in Egypt. They were not to do the things they saw the Canaanites do, when He took them to the land of Canaan nor walk in their ordinances. The people were to keep God’s statutes and judgments, which if they did, they should live by them. God then said, “I am the Lord.” None of them were to approach anyone close to them in kinship to uncover their nakedness (no incestuous relationships). Once again, God said, “I am the Lord.” The nakedness of their father or mother was not to be uncovered (no sex between parents and children was allowed). The nakedness of his father’s wife was not to be uncovered; it is his father’s nakedness (no sex with stepmothers). As it is said in today’s world, when you have sex with someone, you’re having sex with everyone they have been with sexually. So, having sex with his stepmother would uncover his father’s nakedness, to put it tastefully. A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his sister, whether she was his father’s daughter or his mother’s daughter; whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere (no sex between siblings, full-blooded or half-blooded siblings). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his son’s daughter or his daughter’s because theirs was his own nakedness (no sex between grandparents and grandchildren). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his father’s wife’s daughter, begotten by his father, because she was his sister (again, no sex between siblings). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his father’s sister, because she is near of kin to his father (no sex between nephews and aunts). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his mother’s sister, because she is of near kin to his mother (again, no sex between nephews and aunts). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his father’s brother. He was not to even approach his wife, because she is his aunt (nephew and aunt sex was forbidden). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his daughter-in-law because she is his son’s wife (no sex between fathers-in-law and daughters-in-law). A man was not to uncover the nakedness of his brother’s wife because it is his brother’s nakedness (no sex between brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law). Simply put, even if the relationship was not listed, it seems that sex between close relatives was being forbidden.

A man was not to uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, nor her granddaughter whether she is the woman’s son’s daughter or daughter’s daughterThey are near kin to her. It is wickedness. Nor was a man to take a woman as a rival to her sister to uncover her nakedness while the other is alive (no sex with women of the same family who are close relatives). A man was not to approach a woman to uncover her nakedness while she was on her menstrual cycle. A man was not to defile himself carnally by having sex with his neighbor’s wife.
The children of Israel were not to let any of their descendants pass through the fire of Molech, or profane the name of their God. Then God again said, “I am the Lord.” Those who worshiped Molech would offer their children as living sacrifices in fire. The Lord said that such a practice profaned His name (source: Quora.com). Molech was a Canaanite god associated with the sacrifice of children (source: Study.com).

A man was not to lie with a male as with a woman (no homosexuality). It is an abomination. Nor was a man or woman allowed to mate with any animal (no bestiality). It is perversion.
God said that the children of Israel were not to defile themselves with any of these things. By all these things the nations were defiled that He was casting out before them. The land is defiled. God would visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land would vomit out its inhabitants. Therefore, the people were to keep God’s statutes and judgments and not commit any of these abominations. This pertained to the Israelites and any stranger dwelling with them. These were all abominations the men of the land had done, who were there before them, and thus the land was defiled. If they did these abominations, the land would vomit them out just as it did the nations before them. Whoever committed any of these abominations, would be cut off from among their people. Therefore, they were to keep God’s ordinance, so that they did not commit any of the abominable customs which were done before them and they were not to defile themselves by them. Again, God said, “I am the Lord your God.”

Is your sex life an abomination to God?
We will travel to Leviticus 19 next week.

To God Be The Glory!

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