Exodus 25:1-22 / Willing Heart Giving


Exodus 25:1-22 / Willing Heart Giving

Exodus 25:1-22 (Part 1) – Willing Heart Giving

God told Moses to tell the children of Israel to bring Him an offering. Moses was to take an offering from everyone who gave willingly with their heart. God doesn’t support giving to Him under compulsion. The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” So, if you ever feel like you are giving under compulsion, make sure you do a “heart check” first, because God knows your heart.

Heartfelt Offerings To Be Accepted By Moses

Gold, silver and bronze

Blue, purple and scarlet thread, fine linen and goats’ hair

Rams skins dyed red, badger skins and acacia wood

Oil for the light, spices for the anointing oil and for sweet incense

Onyx stones and stones to be set in the ephod (sleeveless priestly garment) and in the breastplate

God told Moses to let the people make Him a sanctuary so that He could dwell among them. God instructed Moses to make the pattern of the tabernacle and all of its furnishings exactly how He showed him.

The Ark of the Testimony (The Ark of the Covenant)

The Ark of the Testimony Description

  1. Made of acacia wood
  2. Two and a half cubits in length (a cubit is equal to 1.5 feet)
  3. A cubit and a half in width
  4. A cubit and a half in height
  5. Overlaid in pure gold inside and out
  6. A molding of gold all around it
  7. Four gold rings at four corners, two on each side
  8. Two poles overlaid with gold to go through the rings so that the ark can be carried by them. The poles are not to be removed from the ark.

Moses was to put the Testimony that the Lord gave him into the ark.

The Mercy Seat

The Mercy Seat


1) Made of pure gold

2) Two and a half cubits in length

3) A cubit and a half in width

4) Two cherubim of gold hammered work with one placed at one end of the mercy seat and the other at the other end. They were to be made of the same one piece of gold as the main part of the mercy seat.

5) The cherubim’s wings should be stretched out over the mercy seat.

6) They should be facing each other toward the center of the mercy seat.

7) The mercy seat was to be set on top of the ark.

Then God repeated to Moses that he should put the Testimony that He was giving to him in the ark. God said that He would meet and speak with Moses from above the mercy seat between the cherubim on the ark of the Testimony. God would talk with Moses about everything that He was going to give him in commandment to the children of Israel.

We complete our journey in Exodus 25 next week.

To God Be The Glory!

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Be Encouraged

Scripture picture – www.scripture-images.com / Ark of the Covenant photo – Igor Rodrigues

2 thoughts on “Exodus 25:1-22 / Willing Heart Giving

  1. Hello Fellow Bloggers:

    A “Willing Heart Giving” is the only way to give! God knows our heart!

    The description of The Ark of the Testimony (The Ark of the Covenant) and the The Mercy Seat sounds beautiful. All made of pure gold. God wants us to be pure and shine like a star as we represent Him. Listen to the instructions of God.

    See you in Exodus 25 – Part 2

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